4EP Announcement: Shane Kalyn is now a proud team member of the amazing non-profit group 'The C
This day is an exciting one for me; a proud moment that I am beyond stoked for and happy to announce! I was asked to join the team at 'The Canid Project' and immediately accepted.
I am very proud to be involved with a group as special as this - a small team of amazing photographers from around the world, photographers that I look up to and admire, but more importantly a group that strives to protect the natural world by connecting their audiences to the importance and beauty of the natural world through their images.
The Canid Project was founded in 2016 by Amy Shutt (amyshutt.com), who is one of my favorite nature/wildlife photographers. She is inspirational and is someone who has really dedicated her life to the protection of the natural world, and specifically the protection of wild canids through visual storytelling, education and fox rehabilitation.
"The Canid Project's mission, as a global creative conversation, is to document and share the stories of not just wild canids, but also the stories of humans and the wild canids who enter each other's lives in some capacity. We actively present this creative and educational information through our photography, non-fiction narrative, conservation photography workshops, and community outreach to inspire and educate the public. We strive to shed light on how these relationships shape our views on the wild canid species and the ramifications, both negative and positive, they present"
So huge thanks to Amy and to the rest of the team I am very excited to work with all of you - to be a part of this is a huge honor and one of the proudest moments of my photographic career!!!
So give these guys a follow/like and spread the love to a group working hard to protect and educate about wild canids.
Thanks so much, Shane.